Posts Tagged 'reboot'

Star Trek XI with Leonard Nimoy but without William Shatner

The powers that be at Paramount want William Shatner in the film but don’t want to ignore Star Trek VII where Kirk was killed. Some say look at Spock, killed in Trek II and resurrected in Trek III. It took an entire film to resurrect Spock, and we’d need another entire film to bring Kirk back. Otherwise, when Star Trek XI begins you’d get something like this: The aging Spock strolls through the corridor toward his transport vessel to be greeted by an old friend.

SPOCK: Captain! Jim – Is that you?

KIRK: Yes, Spock. I’m alive! I’ve been in some Temporal Nexus.

SPOCK: What about Viridian 3 where you were killed?

KIRK: I remember it – but when I woke up after, I was back in the Nexus. Guinan tells me I sprang back into the Nexus because I never completely left it. It doesn’t make much since – but here I am.

SPOCK:It is agreeable to see you again. Welcome to the 24th Century.

KIRK: This Guinan told me I had to completely desire to leave or I would keep springing back to the Nexus. So here I am. You’re looking well for a Vulcan your age.

SPOCK: There is a group of Romulans here that have the ability to interfere with history. If they succeed, everything we know may change dramatically.

KIRK: Then I’m just in time!

That is exactly the kind of thing they would have to do to get Shatner in this movie. If you’re gonna bring Kirk back, you need an entire movie, not a half page of dialog. Better yet, make Star Trek XII about resurrecting James T Kirk. Shatner could get a new Kirk hairpiece and Spock could accompany a Starfleet Science Team into the Nexus for research purposes and stumble onto the Captain. Oops, that Starfleet Science Team are really Shapeshifters from the Gamma Quadrant who want to use the Nexus for some evil plan. Sit this one out Bill. We love ya but do the next one! Peace & Long Life!


Part 1 of the Internet Film was just released with actual Star Trek actors playing the characters they played in several Star Trek Series. Uhura, Chekov, Captain John Harriman, and more are aboard a Museum Ship, the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-M, about a decade after Captain Kirk was presumed killed in an incident aboard the Enterprise-B from Star Trek Generations, the 7th film. After a distress call from the planet of the Guardian of Forever (time portal), the Enterprise Museum ship arrives and Uhura, Chekov and Captain Harriman beam down to find Charlie Evans (from Charlie X) using the Guardian to kill Captain Kirk’s mother while she was pregnant with him. Everything changes and suddenly the Federation is replaced with the Galactic Order, a corrupt empire that somehow formed because of the absence of James T Kirk. Harriman is now the Captain of the Enterprise and is on a mission to kill the renegade Chekov and destroy the planet Vulcan, which chose to not be a part of the Galactic Order. It’s like the Mirror/Alternate Universe episodes, but the storyline is a bit confusing. All of these actors worked for FREE on this movie, since they’re not allowed to make a profit on this film because Paramount Pictures would never allow that. I think Paramount should have gotten behind this movie and released it on DVD, because they would have made a profit. Part 1 was a bit short, but I can’t complain too much because these people put their heart into Star Trek, and all of us (trekkers) appreciate that. The film seems at least as good as any other Star Trek episode or film.  The effects were pretty good, too. Even James Crawley from Star Trek New Voyages was in it as Kirk’s nephew Peter (Crawley plays Captain Kirk in the New Voyages Web Series, which is also EXCELLENT). Star Trek may not be a TV series any more, but it is alive and well online, in novels, and the upcoming Star Trek film due in December 2008. Rumors say the new film has a similar plot, with Leonard Nimoy as the old Spock who goes back in time to warn his younger self that Romulans from the future are trying to kill Kirk when he first started out in Starfleet. They’re calling this film a reboot because history will be affected, which is kind of scary because that means my entire Star Trek DVD Collection will be an alternate timeline. These rumors are RUMORS so it is possibly a trick to keep the real plot secret, but all the facts point to it being true. Just wait and see, I guess. Live Long & Prosper!

May 2024


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