Posts Tagged 'love'

Using Music For Time Travel

It’s funny – When it comes to music, hearing a new tune can stimulate your synoptic pathways in a positive manner. But hearing a song from your past can transport you into the person you was long ago. In my case, I’m a 47 year old Computer Repairman and hearing a song from my past that I don’t think I’ve heard since 1978 triggered a flashback and I suddenly felt what it was like to be that person again. In my case, it was a song that was linked to a girl, Donna Romack, from Marshall Michigan. Anyway, Donna was my first real, serious relationship – she was gorgeous in every way and I don’t know what led us together but I ended up screwing it up, as many young men do in life. I was an impulsive loudmouth who needed time to evolve into the intellectual I consider myself to be. Anyway, the song, Falling by LeBlanc & Carr, 1978, instantly took me back as if it was yesterday…..but then it was gone.  I still remember her, but when I listened to that song, I remembered loving her. And that made me both sad that I let her slip away, but glad to have that experience I can look back on. All of us that have been here know that each time you love someone, it’s different, and you just get stronger and stronger until you can handle more in life. Does it get easier? Maybe we just get better at making it better – RAMBLING ALERT – Anyway, I suggest you grab some music from your youth era, listen to it, maybe you’ll go back in time like I did and remember who you used to be.

Don’t You Just Love Windows?

I spend most of my days lately solving Windows (Both Vista & XP) problems – coaxing the Windows operating system into cooperating with me sometimes requires creative thinking – if all of my clients had Macs I’d probably have to find a new line of work because I’d only get one or two calls a year.  I’ve begun recommending Vista to my customers now that it has been around for long enough to get the bugs out. It’s a Windows World and I’m happy to live in it. Sure, my next computer will be a Mac but I’ve got 4 other PCs at my home that will brave the dangerous internets and all the anti-windows viruses and malware that zip by. This turned into a weird blog, didn’t it? Better luck next time! NOTE: Today my daughter gave birth to my sixth grandchild – Have a Cigar!

May 2024


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